I’ve asked you to let me know, what’s hard about speaking English for you. What’s difficult for you when it comes to speaking really good, very clear English. Why do you have the troubles or where are your troubles with speaking English very well and very clear, please post a comment. Let me know. Many people have different challenges. I think I shared a story with you about a Japanese woman who came into my class a few days ago. She’s a professional. She’s a nurse at a major hospital in Japan and her simple English pronunciation was not as clear as it should be. Meaning the word ‘alive’ and the words ‘arrive’ were sounding the same. So when she would want to say ‘arrive’, she would say ‘alive’. And the L sound was actually easier for her to say. But we worked through it. And I’ll tell you it was refreshing and really encouraging to see her smile and laugh.

As she worked on her pronunciation of the word ‘arrive’ and ‘alive’, we did some exercises with it. There are also challenges that people like you have with speaking English. And I want to know what they are. What’s your challenge when it comes to speaking English? Why do you find it difficult to speak English very well?. Where is the exact problem? People like yourself can understand my spoken English. You can read English. You can write English and you can understand when you hear English. But there are so many people around the world and those who come onto my website, who have trouble speaking English very clearly. Where is the challenge? What exactly troubles you when you try to speak English? What difficulties do you have with speaking English? Because whatever those challenges are, whatever they may be, we can work them out.

You will find that it’s not as difficult as you might think, to speak English very easy and very clear. You just need someone who knows how to coach you to do exactly that, to speak it very clear and very well. And that’s what I do. I’m going to leave my link here with this video. This is what you’ve always wanted. This is why you have studied English from the time you first started. Because you have watched English movies. You have seen different celebrities and people around the world talking and speaking in English, and you want to understand them. You want to talk with them.

I always appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. Put a comment below. Let me know where the problem is. And let’s talk again soon. Until then take care, enjoy, have a great day, great night, good afternoon, whatever the challenge may be or whatever, wherever you may be on this planet. I look forward to talking with you again soon. And I look for your comment. I look to read your comments below.

Keep smiling, stay safe, stay healthy. And we’ll talk again very soon. Bye for now.


I am originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. I have lived in Japan for over 20 years with my lovely wife and children. I am always happy to share my thoughts and experiences as a Teacher, Researcher, and Author with whoever is interested.