Hello again.

So let me ask you. You say that you’re very interested in and learning English. You say that you’re very interested in speaking English very well. You say that you want to understand movies, American movies, and different videos. And, yes, you can understand some of the humor that is being spoken in these movies and videos. And you say that you want to be able to speak English as clear as you hear it spoken in movies and videos. But you’re spending a lot of time on Facebook groups that are asking you what country you’re in. Or, maybe a group is asking you what time is it there in your country? Or what do you know about different countries? You’re spending time reading and writing and texting different people in different countries who speak English pretty much the same way you speak it, which is not clear at all. And here I am talking to you and showing you and letting you know that you can speak English as well as I am speaking to you now.

When you spend time with someone like myself speaking English to you, as clear as I do and someone as professional as I am showing you, your spoken English will improve. So let me ask you how serious you are about speaking English very well. Because I see a lot of people on Facebook. I see a lot of groups of English groups on Facebook, English and they don’t seem serious at all. They don’t seem like they really want to get to the fundamental reasons as to why their English is not spoken so clear. And here I am sharing with you and talking with you about how and why you can speak English. Just as you hear me speaking to you now. So, what’s stopping you from speaking English.

Well, I hate to tell you so clear and in no uncertain terms, that the only thing stopping you from speaking English, very clear and very well is yourself. If you are spending time on these Facebook groups. If you are in these Facebook groups, chatting to people about the color of other people’s hair or what country they’re in or whatever the reason for unnecessary talk, it’s not going to get you speaking English the way you have studied English, the way you have heard English, the way you have always wanted to speak English. Staying in these groups and spending time with those groups is costing you a lot of unnecessary time. I’m telling you the best way to speak English. The way you’re hearing me speak it right now is to get with me. Get with someone like myself, who can smooth out your accent, who can show you exactly where you’re coming up short. I will show you where is not sounding the way you want it to sound and I also show you how you can speak English better – just like an American.

It’s not as difficult as you might think. And it’s definitely not going to get there by being in all of these Facebook groups, talking about things that don’t get you anywhere. It’s like spinning your wheels in the mud. It’s like trying to get some traction going somewhere and when you hit the gas, the only thing you’re doing is turning up a lot of mud. You’re actually getting nowhere. That’s what a lot of Facebook groups are like.

When you see my link, click it to find out how easy it is to speak English very well, very clear, and then go for your dream. That is the reason why you started learning how to speak English, right? That’s why you’ve always wanted to speak English. Because you’ve enjoyed the movies. You’ve watched people speak English and you’ve understood some of the humor. You’ve seen English-speaking people on television. And you said, I can do that. And you started studying English. So why stop now? Don’t stop in those Facebook groups. They’re a good waste of time.

So until next time stay healthy, stay safe, and keep smiling. And I’ll talk with you again very soon.

Bye for now.


I am originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. I have lived in Japan for over 20 years with my lovely wife and children. I am always happy to share my thoughts and experiences as a Teacher, Researcher, and Author with whoever is interested.