Hey, good day to you.

Many people have asked me about my age. Let me just say, it’s not embarrassing or I’m not too shy to say that I’m 60 years old. And I get a lot of people that kind of recoil, meaning they jumped back in shock when I tell them that I’m 60 years old. And, it’s not by accident that I look the way I do. And, yes! I’m in good shape. I’m in good health. I haven’t seen a doctor for anything serious in maybe 25 or 30 years or more. It’s been that long. But where I’m going with this conversation is that obsessive health and good health is also something that we all want. I mean, we all want to feel good every day. We all want to be in good shape. We don’t want to be taking medicines and taking anything for any ailments.

We want to feel good about our daily existence. And I can honestly tell you that I am obsessed with my good health. I am probably overly obsessed with my good health. Nothing more than taking some good supplements and good body exercise every day. But this is also something that is interesting to talk about in English and to share with people around the world. Because so many people around the world also want what you want. They want happiness and health. And I always say that when a person asked me about my family, I always tell them that my family is happy and that they’re healthy. And that feels good to know. It feels good to say. And I share this with you to let you know that when learning English and sharing English with anyone, there are many topics that we can talk about and health is one of them. And health is a nice topic to concern ourselves with whether it’s for good or for the good of others that we talk to.

I feel good that I can share this with you and tell you. Good health is what we want. Celebrating good health right now is what we all want to do. And that’s what you should be happy for. And thanks for that. You have good health and that your family has good health. And if in fact you don’t have good health, there are many ways to find good health using English. English speaking, people around the world are just as concerned about good health as you are and as I am. And I wanted to share that with you today because we all need to feel good in our daily lives and our daily existence. And I feel good and I wanted to pass my good feelings onto you.

So enjoy your day. Enjoy your night. Enjoy your existence and enjoy your time here – in this time-space reality. And I look forward to talking with you again. And, if you feel so inclined, click like. Also, please leave me a comment. Talk to me about your good health or health. Health is something that we should all focus on and concern ourselves with. And it is something that we can share when we’re speaking English with each other around the world.

I’ll talk to you again very soon. Take care bye for now and stay safe. Stay healthy.

Keep smiling. Bye.


I am originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. I have lived in Japan for over 20 years with my lovely wife and children. I am always happy to share my thoughts and experiences as a Teacher, Researcher, and Author with whoever is interested.