Hello there again!

Yesterday I recorded a video telling you that if you can understand my English, if you can understand my spoken English, then you are able to speak English, just like an American. If you haven’t seen the video, you can view it on my Facebook page ( here: https://www.facebook.com/dinocrawley/videos/719885671991311) You most definitely will be able to speak English very well and very clear. Now that may sound strange, but let me explain why this is so very possible. You see, you have been studying English for many years. You have sat in classrooms. You have listened to your English teachers. You have even practiced English in your classroom. You have talked to other people using English. You may not sound as well as you want to sound when you were speaking English at that time, but you were still speaking English at that time. And you were writing English and reading English also. And just as you listen to me speak English to you just as you understand exactly what I say, even though your spoken English is not as good as you would like it to be – you can most definitely speak English just as you hear me speaking English to you.

YES! You can still speak English as well as I am speaking it to you. You might ask, how is that possible? Well, it’s no different than when you hear a nice song. When you hear a song. You hear the singer sing it, and you practice singing that song many times. If you’re serious about wanting to sing that song very well, you will practice singing that song very well. It’s the same as with speaking English. If you want to speak English, very clear and very well you need to practice. And you will also need someone to help you practice speaking very clear and very well. And that’s what I do. I help people around the world speak English, very clear, and very well. It’s not by chance that you can understand what I’m saying. It’s from your hard study and the hard times you spent learning English through the many years of study that you went through, that you can understand me when you watch my videos or listen to my podcast (to listen to my podcast click here: https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/enbck2)

Because you can understand and you know exactly what I’m saying. You can speak English in the exact same way. So I wanted to let you know that there is a very clear way for you to speak English very well and very clear. You will definitely need someone to coach you with speaking English very well. That’s what I do. And I will point you in all the right directions of how it is done exactly right? This is why you’ve studied English for so many years. The many times you’ve spoken English to many people. The many times you’ve labored over sentence structure and English grammar. Yes. Now is your time. Now you can speak English the way you’ve always wanted to speak it. So feel good about yourself.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Keep smiling.

And I look forward to sharing with you again.

Bye for now!


I am originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. I have lived in Japan for over 20 years with my lovely wife and children. I am always happy to share my thoughts and experiences as a Teacher, Researcher, and Author with whoever is interested.