Hey there. Good to talk with you.

So let me ask you a question. After all of these years of studying English. After all these years of sitting in a classroom. After years of listening to teachers, talking about English grammar, and talking about sentence structuring. After all of this, what have you found out to be the hardest of learning English? Well, my friend told me that the hardest part of learning English is speaking English very well and very clear. She said she wished someone had told her when she first starting learning English to speak English with a professional, native English Teacher. At least a teacher who would help her smooth out her accent and English words, very clear.

That’s what she told me. And so many people say the same thing. Speaking English is the hardest part of learning English. And that’s why I’m talking with you today. Because what I do is help people around the world speak English better. That is my job. That is my profession. You will see movies and understand them. You will also watch different videos and understand them. You will talk with many people, but not until you are able to speak English very well and very clear. You will be respected for learning to speak English very well. You see it takes that extra step of actually learning how to speak English very well and very clear that will get you in front of many people. The position that you’ve always wanted when you started learning English.

So take the time to find my link. If you don’t see it in this video or connected with this video, take a look through my page and you will find the link to ‘How to Speak English Just Like an American’. And you will find out that it’s not difficult to smooth out your accent to sound very clear and very well when you want to speak English. But it does require the same amount of effort that you took when you sat in the classroom. And the same amount of effort when you listened to teachers. And when you paid attention to learning English, grammar, and English sentence structuring.

I always appreciate you for taking the time to read my blog.

If you feel good, you can also share this with others. But definitely stay healthy, keep smiling. And I’ll talk with you again very soon.

Bye for now.


I am originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. I have lived in Japan for over 20 years with my lovely wife and children. I am always happy to share my thoughts and experiences as a Teacher, Researcher, and Author with whoever is interested.