Hi Dino here.

I know it’s been a while since we’ve talked and a while since you’ve last seen my videos. But I wanted to start back talking with you and sharing with you because I know that there’s been some questions as to my absence .

But just know that everything is OK. I am fine. I’m healthy. Everyone is fine.

I had to do some major adjustments here at my place. But now things are back to normal. I will be putting out videos on a regular basis. Starting today I want to start doing videos on grammar, vocabulary and different aspects of the English language.

Today I want to talk about building your English vocabulary. And I want to especially talk about the three major vocabulary tips that will help you build your English vocabulary. Let’s talk about the three major vocabulary tips that you can use.

Number one tip is read, read and read.

Number two tip is make sure that you understand what you are reading.

And number three tip is practice the new words that you have learned.

Now let’s talk about the first tip…

You want to have advantages when you read and one of the advantages of understanding and building vocabulary words is that you do build it from reading. You see there is the advantage of reading and the advantage of reading is simply this – that you can adjust the material to fit your own level. You can read at your own pace and you can do it over and over again. Also you can later base many different activities around and exercises around what you have read. So you want to understand that you want to read as much as possible and then get into exercises of building that vocabulary.

Okay lets go into tip number two…

Tip number two is make sure you understand what you are reading. Yeah, this point might seem obvious but actually it’s really not. Some people think it’s best not to stop on every word but to understand the words from the context. That basically means to guess what the word means or to simply ignore it. Now there’s some major problems with that. Because you may misunderstand the whole context by skipping over one word or skipping over a few words that you don’t understand.

Here’s an example. Say someone reads “Marta has a parasol “. Well Marta is the person’s name but what is a parasol? To continue to read as we know parasol is a little umbrella, maybe a sun umbrella. But it could mean many things to the person reading it in and out of the context. So you definitely want to understand each word that you read before you move on

And Tip number three is practice the words you have learned…

Okay so you have learned some new words that’s great now what? How can you make sure you don’t forget these new words? Here is where we reach the importance of practice. Make sure you practice the new words. Find ways that you can use the words outside of the text that you have read it. Also find ways that you can practice using the words in writing. Maybe even speaking the words. And also practice using the words with other people, maybe other English speaking people. And find out how they would use it.

Or you can always ask me and I will be more than happy to help you practice any new words that you have.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me or send me a message or put a message here and also look for my ‘How to speak English Just like an American ‘video series which you can get At little to no price or should I say for only $7 USA. That’s all And it’s guaranteed.

So until we talk again, take care practice your vocabulary builder vocabulary and I’ll see you in the next video. Bye for now.


I am originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. I have lived in Japan for over 20 years with my lovely wife and children. I am always happy to share my thoughts and experiences as a Teacher, Researcher, and Author with whoever is interested.