Good day to you…

You know, I talk with a lot of people who are wanting to speak English, very clear, very well. And many of the people I speak to are high school students, university students, Housewives, older individuals. Also a lot of people I speak to are professionals. They’re doctors, they’re lawyers, they’re engineers, they’re city managers and government workers. They professionally do jobs that require English. A lot of what they do professionally requires that they learn their English differently from what you may learn from a textbook. And what I mean by that is many of the lawyers and doctors who are from countries that do not speak English, want to learn what is called ‘jargon’. The professional jargon of their studies, or what they’re trained to do is the words that are particular to their jobs. This requires someone to help them not only learn certain English words that are needed for that job, but also the correct pronunciation of those professional words in English. And many people such as myself, help professionals do exactly that.

I always work with professionals who are looking for an English understanding and English pronunciation that is used in their jobs. And of course, I deal with regular students as well. Just you may be a regular university student or high school student. But this is for those who are professionals worldwide and who have to engage or have to talk with people who are native English speakers. I am talking to you because I know that not only can I help you, but I can build your confidence and work with you to speak the English words that are necessary for you to talk with people in your profession around the world. There are also those individuals who want to sell. They want to sell products to native English speakers, and I help them also from many different countries around the world.

So, if you are a professional person and you are needing to improve your English to speak English better as a professional, click here to find out how easy it is to speak English as the professional person that you are. And as always, I’m going to thank you for taking the time to read this. Please comment. If you feel moved to and click LIKE if you also feel moved to do so. Share this with those professionals or other professional people in your country, or those you know who are interested in speaking English using their professional language. And, I will talk with you again. Take care, stay safe, stay healthy, keep smiling, and I’ll see you again soon.

Bye for now…


I am originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. I have lived in Japan for over 20 years with my lovely wife and children. I am always happy to share my thoughts and experiences as a Teacher, Researcher, and Author with whoever is interested.