Hello again!

I need to talk with you today because I don’t think you really understand why you need me now. You’re not the English learner to who I want to teach grammar to. Or, who needs to understand sentence structuring. No. I am talking to English learners who want to be to speak English very clearly. I’m looking for the students who know that their English sounds very strange. They know that they want to speak English better. They know grammar. They know sentence structuring. They know how to write perfect sentences in English. They know they have a vocabulary. But they also know that their English sounds very bad and they know that they want to sound better. They want to sound maybe as close to an American as they can.

And this is why you need me. This is why you need my teaching. This is why my program is called ‘How to speak English Just like an American’. Because I am not here to give you, um, different vocabulary. I’m sorry, different grammar, tests, or grammar quizzes. I’m here to help you smooth your accent when you speak English. Because this is what you want. You know, English. You’re a professional. Most of you are professionals who come into my world or come into my program. And you know how to speak English. You know how to convey different thoughts using English, but you also know that your spoken English doesn’t sound clear. And this is where you need me. This is what you want me to help you with. And this is what I do. This is my profession. This is how I help people around the world with their English.

Now, I also know that many professionals have different lingo or ‘jargon’ as it’s called. A medical doctor has certain words for the instruments they use and the different parts of the body. There are engineers that also speak with different jargon, different words for their profession. There are also salespeople who have products and services that they sell to people around the world. And they would like to sell their products and services to people who speak English.

And I’m going to tell you that many native English speakers look down their noses at people whose English sounds bad. They feel as though that you may or may not know what you’re talking, about only because they’re judging you, by the way, your English sounds, which is not fair, but it happens.

And this is why I’m talking to you now about clearing up your English. And this is why you need me. This is why you want me to help you speak English as clear and as well as you can. And I want you to go to ‘How to speak English Just like an American’ and take a look at the program. But I also want you to know that ‘How to speak English Just like an American’ comes with a guarantee. That’s right! It comes with a money-back guarantee that I will help you sound as best. And you think about this. How many schools have you gone to where they will guarantee you your money back? Not many, I think.

So, I’ll talk with you again soon. Thank you so much for always taking the time to read my reading. I appreciate any comments that you leave below. Um, any thoughts you have about why you want to speak English very good, very clear. Share it if you want.

Take care, stay healthy. Keep smiling, stay safe.

Bye for now.


I am originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. I have lived in Japan for over 20 years with my lovely wife and children. I am always happy to share my thoughts and experiences as a Teacher, Researcher, and Author with whoever is interested.