
I want to tell you a story about what happened to me yesterday. A young man, young, Japanese professional came into my office and proceeded to do a lesson with me concerning speaking English. Well, of course, he had learned, English, grammar, and learned English in his schools when he went to elementary school and junior high school, and even high school. But he couldn’t hear English so well and even worse. He couldn’t speak English as well as he would have liked to which of course was why he was meeting me.

And what I did was I asked him to slow down when he spoke English. And we did some exercises with some English phrases, very easy English phrases. And he proceeded to do quite well when he slowed down. I’m telling you this story because he also had fun. Meaning, I made it fun for him to learn English, and to learn the simple sentences that we were practicing.

And because he started to have fun. And because he slowed down. His spoken English actually got better, in that one lesson, which was a 40-minute lesson. And because he laughed, and because he did have fun with learning English, it got so much better. And I asked him after he finished, I said, did you have fun? And he said, yes, it was very, very fun. And he told me that he looked forward to coming back and sharing with me again on studying English.

I do believe that fun is number one. I’ve mentioned this to you before. I’ve mentioned to you that if you are smiling and laughing, while you’re practicing your English, that you will do quite well because everything is done better when it’s fun. And this young man is a project manager for the city. He was laughing. We were having a good time and a person who walked into my office, who could barely understand me, who could barely speak English. Before he walked out of a full 40-minute lesson, he was speaking so much better and he was smiling.

So he felt good about himself. And for me, teaching English him, teaching anyone how to speak English, the way they’ve always dreamed about is what I want you to do. I want you to have fun. That’s what I want most of all. So I’m sending this to you and let you know that we start with fun. That’s where we start and we take it from there, with the English that you’ve already learned.

Until I talk to you again, take care, stay safe, stay healthy, keep smiling. And I’ll see you again very soon. Bye for now.


I am originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. I have lived in Japan for over 20 years with my lovely wife and children. I am always happy to share my thoughts and experiences as a Teacher, Researcher, and Author with whoever is interested.